Well today, the saga of the barbecue wasp came to a sadly abrupt end. Here’s the story. In early June we uncovered and opened the barbecue that sits on our deck, to use for the summer. There in the lower righthand corner, stuck to the cover, was a honeycomb and 2 wasps. We obviously couldn’t cook with it there, so we decided to remove it. But, being the procrastinators we are, opted to put off the the task for another day. The summer heat wave hit quickly and mercilessly and the thought of grilling in 95+ degree heat- yeah it just wasn’t going to happen. I began to watch these wasps, who I decided were a couple. They worked feverishly on filling the honeycomb, which upon examination, I found to be a fascinating and complex structure. I couldn’t help but wonder how the hell these tiny creatures with tiny brains created it. As the weeks passed, Mr. and Mrs. Wasp recruited other wasps to fill the honeycomb and great progress was made after a dozen or more joined the now growing wasp ...